Saw this last night at the PFA theater in Berkeley. I was very suprised. Entertaining with fast clever dialogue and beautiful period costumes and sets. As a 80's baby old movies like this can sometimes be hard to digest and get into but noo, this movie shatters all expectations. This is the first Hawks movie ive seen, cant wait to see his other films.


Yes, I agree. Howard Hawks does a lot of nice work here and elsewhere, in a variety of genre.

Some directors specialize and excel in one type of film or another if that, but Howard Hawks proves himself quite the versatile director in Drama, Comedy, SciFi, Crime Noir, War, Western, Adventure, et al.

Great director, great cast and fantastic movie.


Barbary Coast had a fine display of acting from its three leading performers, making for a dramatic dynamic within the narrative.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.


Only seen a little bit so far, but it's had one good line after another so far.

"They don't call me Old Atrocity for nuthin'!"
