Proof about The Patriarchy

This movie is from 1933. They made this like 90 years ago.

People have claimed there's a thing called 'The Patriarchy' keeping women down for who knows how long.

Yet, in this film, we see women being the dominant figures, doing unspeakable horrors to two relatively innocent men who only wanted to go to a convention.

Reverse the genders to reveal how sexist, misandristic and man-hating, not to mention MATRIARCHAL this movie is.

Can you even imagine? It's hard for even me to imagine it, because you NEVER see it - you have NEVER seen men treat women even CLOSE to how women treat men in this movie for at least 90 years!

Can you imagine men throwing dishes, plates and such to a woman's face so she gets a black eye, and just sits in the living room, taking every hit as the plates crush to little shards, while the man never receives ANY punishment or consequence of his evil actions?

Can you imagine what it would look like, if the genders were reversed, and it was two women being tortured, oppressed, dominated and being treated violently, threatened to be SHOT with a big gun by men?

So where's the patriarchy..? This movie proves, it absolutely PROVES, that there never has been any patriarchy, but even in these comedy movies, men are ALWAYS the valueless cannon fodder, and women can treat them ANY which way, and seen as heroines, and it's all seen as 'business as normal'.

Has anyone ever complained about the sexism when it comes to these ridiculously old movies? Has anyone ever mentioned that it might not be very EQUAL and there is a bit of MATRIARCHY going on, when women are super violent against their OWN HUSBANDS, but it would never, ever fly genders reversed?

This sort of thing really pisses me off, the double standards, they say, but a woman watching this movie will just laugh and think it's funny and normal, and then mention some tiny 'double standard', while ignoring about 80 much bigger double standards against men.

This was in 1933, and men were ALREADY the punching bags of the world, women were ALREADY the superior sex that can't ever take a punch from men, but which are stronger than men in every way..

Forget Atomic Blonde and Mulan, watch these super old movies and TV shows to see that there's NEVER a patriarchy, where we would see women being treated violently by men, and everything being shown as 'funny and normal', but men get constantly beaten up by women and NO ONE sees anything wrong with it!

The word 'misandry' has been deleted from vocabulary, even though it was used even in the early 1900s, and it's the counterpart of 'misogyny' - if we REALLY want equality, shouldn't BOTH words have equal standing? Use any spellchecker, and chances are, they won't recognize 'misandry', but they do recognize 'misogyny'.

How can people still claim 'The Patriarchy' exists, while movies like this PROVE it never has? (Sure, maybe thousands of years ago or something, but certainly not in the 1900s)

If there's ANYTHING like 'Patriarchy', it has always been to PROTECT women from useless toil, from dangers, as they always have been pedestalized as the more valuable gender. Women also have this enormous sexual and social power that we're not supposed to mention, although Onlyfjords girls can rake lots of money with basically doing nothing, men DO NOT HAVE this option.

Yet no one sees it as an 'equality problem', because it's inequality against the gender you are ALLOWED to oppress.

All the talk about equality and patriarchy simply masks the truth - you are not allowed to say a man is a victim or a woman is an oppressor, and this very fact is proof we live in matriarchy. The very fact you are not allowed to even say we live in a matriarchy, but you're EXPECTED to spew things about patriarchy is more proof that men are the oppressed gender without sexual-social power.

Of course women only look up, so they do see men have a lot of power, but they don't see the men whose heads and shoulders they are standing on with their high heels and long fingernails and face-chemicals that keep the visual lie alive, that's called 'make-up'.

If men can be shown to be treated like this by women in a movie in 1933 and NO ONE sees anything wrong with it, are we really living in a patriarchy?
