Is this very good?

Could anyone tell me if this is worth seeing? I've read in some articles that it has surrealistic qualities to it and if it is at all similar to Un Chien Andalou or Jean Cocteau's work then I'll probably like it. Nosferatu I found to be really boring so I'm reluctant to check it out.


The worst vampire movie I've seen (I'm looking for other qualities in a Vampire movie). But perhaps the best horrormovie. Yes it reminds of Un Chien Andalou. But it's slightly less creepy.

You see things; and you say Why? But I dream things that never were and I say Why not?


It's very much worth seeing if you like experimental, surrealistic European cinema of the 1920's and '30's--which I do. Basically, it's not a traditional vampire film at all, even for the time it was made. I call it the first real "post modern" vampire flick, because it does away with the typical vampire film cliches ( which really hadn't been established yet, come to think of it) and does something/goes somewhere else with them.

Interesting fact--Dreyer (the writer/director) actually started working on this film a year before DRACULA came out, but because of a lack of funding at one point, by the time he finished the film and was able to get a distributor, DRACULA has already been released, and pretty much defined the vampire movie from then on. I liked it because it was genuinely weird, creepy, inventive, innovative (for its time) with memorably eerie images. And it comes very much like a strange,hazy, misty dream (or nightmare.) I also like how a lot of things aren't always explained in the film, and how you have to figure a couple of things out for yourself. Anyway, it's worth seeing if you like weird, off the wall early sound cinema stuff. I didn't find it in the least bit boring, like some posters with short attention spans due to modern media's fast-paced way of showing everything (so it's not their fault.)


It absolutely did not abandon typical vampire cliches... It faithfully rendered the vampire myth in one of its oldest and most basic forms: A wicked member of a community survives death as a demonic being, a vampire, commands the loyalty of evil men, and preys upon the innocents of the community, who themselves turn into vampires. The heroes of the film deduce the identity of the vampire, and the vampire's victims are cured when the vampire is staked in its grave, where it rests during the day. Unless I missed something, that's all there is to the story.


It's an art film in every sense of the word. The narrative is a wreck if you're expecting anything cohesive, but it's a really eerie film taken on the merit of just the visuals.


Beautiful visuals, especially the shadows early in the film, but there's nothing really surreal going on. Some people seem to be suggesting that the plot is incoherent, but I don't think so... It's neither very mysterious nor very suggestive, just very simple and very slow. There are some amazing shots throughout, though, as well as a few fascinating performances in spite of the bare script (I thought Leone awaking as a vampire was chilling), so it's worth watching till the end.


its boring.

