Just Read This in School

Literally just read this story today for a college assignment on short stories and loved it. Had no idea it was a movie (or that it was released by Criterion! Sweet!). I also thought when i read the story that it would make a really cool movie nowadays, throw a lot of symbolism and brutality in it, and have hmm... maybe David Fincher, Darren Aronofsky, or hell, even Tarantino direct it!

How similar is the film to the story?



Yea I read this for a class also and loved it, also thought it would be an epic movie if done right. I haven't seen the movie, but I heard there are some slight differences in parts of the story but nothing major.

On a kinda related note, I was flipping through the channels tonight and stumbled apon Hydra, a sci-fi TV movie that is so awesomely bad I had to contiune watching...it had rich people hunting other people on a deserted island. I just found it funny that this crappy movie used one of my favorite short stories as its basis.


Like some of the others, I read it in 9th grade too and thought that it was one of the best and most memorable stories I read in high school. I was excited to see the movie on TCM one morning, and I enjoyed that a lot also.
