Criminally underrated

Why this film doesn't receive more praise is beyond me. Perhaps because it doesn't fit neatly into one genre (notice how many "great films" of the 30s and 40s tend to be "genre" films?). It's part prison/crime drama, part social statement, with possibly tinges of the gangster film genre, at least in theory (although James Allen is no gangster).

It's one of the most powerful films I've ever seen. Well acted, brutally realistic.

Paul Muni is probably best known today for his later "historical" roles in films for Warner Bros., such as THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA and JUAREZ. (Of course, present day audiences may know him best as the original "Scarface"). In my opinion, this film offered him the performance of a lifetime.


500 votes of "1". What a f-ink idiot can give this movie a 1/10??


Could it be a dishonest voting tactic? If you're one of those voters, say, who thinks Shawshank relegates the invention of sliced bread to a distant second, then you MIGHT vote down everything else, including movies you've never even seen, so that you can boost Shawshank by default.

Secret Message, HERE!-->CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've discovered the Secret Message!


It's also seems to have a fairly progressive view towards black people than one would expect.

The payoff for slogging through an hour of boring is never worth it.


shawshank redemption WAS overrated and maudlin..


Very good - 8.5

"She let me go."
~White Oleander
