One Of The Best Endings Ever

I just watched this movie today after recording it on TCM earlier this week. The ending blew me away. I literally stood up and said "Wow...".


It stands out from the standard Hollywood problem dramas of the time, which so often undermined their social criticism with dishonest, uplifting endings.


This movie is so good! I think the reason it did not have "the standard" Hollywood ending is because it was made in 1932, just before the censorship code began to be applied in 1933. Some Catholic organizations (and perhaps other religious groups) put a lot of pressure on the movie business because they thought many movies were immoral and too racy. The new "code" not only took anything suggestive or racy out of movies, but also enforced an unrealistic morality on the screenwriters. A "happy" ending was forced to be tacked on to many movies, as well as showing punishment for immoral behavior and rewards for good behavior. This was done well through the 1950's. If Robert Osbourne on TCM calls a movie "pre-code" this is what he is referring to.

Love is the best, most insidious, most effective instrument of social repression


The shot of him walking backwards disappearing into the darkness was really cool.

Let's see if you bastards can do 90.


I loved the last shot! Definitely my favorite movie ending of all time (and by "movie ending" I mean the final shot in a film).


I love the way "I steal" trails off... eerie.


Yes the ending is incredible.Just incredible.Fantastic This movie is as good as if not better than Cool Hand Luke in many ways.


It is a incredible film.
I was taken aback first time i watched it.


It's an amazing film and ending. The final shot was actually a mistake, and Muni stepped out of the lighting that was provided for the film and LeRoy decided it worked better.


Great ending but weak opening. There was no way he should ever had ended up on the chain gang. He was forced to coerce in the petty theft at gunpoint. Yes he panicked and tried to flee the scene but surely the old man proprietor would have told the police he was forced to take the money. Huge plot hole methinks.


that is true, but i think its important to keep in mind that this film was an attack on the legal system. the film was based on a real person who this actually happened to. although the man in real life actually did steal money to eat, it wouldn't have been so effective, and the message wouldn't have come across as well in the film if he were rightfully accused.

at any rate, the bottom line of what i'm trying to say is that the film was an attack on the legal system, and being wrongfully accused helped get that message across.

"you're a handsome devil. what's your name?"
--grosse pointe blank


A plot hole, perhaps, but I can easily imagine things happening this way. I've certainly seen similar situations. Our society looks for revenge and isn't particularly forgiving or understanding. I think the bigger plot hole is that any state would agree to a pardon for any escapee.



I have to comment. My first post. Superb ENDING! Great film. I watched Cool Hand Luke months ago and i thought it was excelent until 2 hours ago. Better movie.
What an actor Paul Muni!!


I couldn't help but think of Take the Money and Run...didn't realize Woody Allen had referenced so much from the film, particularly the black prisoner attempting to break his shackles. "haven't missed yet man"


I read the same thing, except I read that the light actually burned out right at that moment and they thought it was cool and left it in. They were right!


From the Trivia section:
The final fade came as an accident. Director Mervyn LeRoy had planned to go to a blackout after the final line. During rehearsals, a light blew, taking the fuse with it. The resultant slow fade, starting just before the final line, was so powerful that Leroy decided to shoot the film exactly that way.

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The final fade came as an accident. Director Mervyn LeRoy had planned to go to a blackout after the final line. During rehearsals, a light blew, taking the fuse with it. The resultant slow fade, starting just before the final line, was so powerful that Leroy decided to shoot the film exactly that way.



This movie just blows me away, I can't believe how undated this 80 year old movie seems, it could have been shot last month with the understated acting and direction. Possibly the most chilling denouement of any movie I've seen in recent memory.


That ending's definitely going to haunt me for a while. Paul Muni just backing into the shadows, shaking his head at each question the woman desperately throws at him. And the hoarse whisper of "I steal!" coming in just as the screen has turned to black? Pure (if accidental) GENIUS! Paul Muni is so underrated.

~I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship~ LMA


You said it.

The fact that it was an accident doesn't take away from the intensity of that last shot.

This is a very underrated classic.


I notice several people recently posted on this board in one day (May 2), but this board usually isn't very active. Was this movie shown on TV or something, then people came here to talk about it? I wonder why there was sudden activity here.


It was on TCM a while ago.

I am planning to watch it again this evening as I just got a copy.

THATS A LOT OF NUTS-Kung-Pow:Enter The Fist


I'm looking at the board as I just bought a region 1 copy from the states as it is not available on region 2.
Great transfer to for such a old film , worth every penny of the £10.00 I paid for it.

I agree too the ending is utter class as is the film.


I watched it this evening. I never thought with that title, it would be any good. I thought wrong!!! A shocking great ending.


One morning, about a year ago, I put the tv on and caught this scene just as it was about to happen. I couldn't believe what an impact it had. I knew of this movie for a long time but never took the chance to sit for it. About 35 years ago it was on and my dad wouldn't let me watch it. I can still remember him telling me that it wasn't suitable for a kid. He also said that I could watch it when I was older, because it was a great film that was worth a look. After seeing that ending I knew I had to watch the whole thing.


Yes it's a great movie Cool Hand Luke is great too


Absolutely. Love the fade into black.


This movie was amazing! The fact of it not having a standard ending 1932 was in 1933 the "new" code was being inforced. All movies had to have a happy ending making many producers having to change the ending. Although I was a little sad when his friend got shot just before they got away for the second time.


I agree about the ending of this movie. When it was over, I just sat on the couch for a few minutes with my mouth hanging open in awe! It gave me the chills. Amazing movie. I have to see it again.

I get the feeling you're violating somebody's basic human rights here...
