Thoughts while watching

Opening credits ... hmm, an island picture made by RKO, that most New York and urban of the Golden Age studios. Not exactly promising...

Hmm, produced by Selznick. Didn't realize he had ever worked at RKO.

Dolores del Rio. I am reminded of the story in Budd Schulberg's memoir in which he went to Mexico by train and met two very proper Mexican ladies who said to him "Dolores del Rio - si! Lupe Velez - no!" Somehow they felt it necessary to say this three times. Have wanted to see a presumably scandalous Lupe Velez movie ever since. ;)

Some distinctive opening shots. Looks like they were shooting with the camera actually in the water. Ambitious for 1932.

Joel McCrea is so young here.

Why does the chief look like an old Jewish guy with lumbago?

Cute joke about Johnny running for the job on the Democratic ticket. Everyone knew the Democrat was going to be a shoo-in in 1932 I suppose. FDR - si! Herbert Hoover - no!

The underwater swiimmer doesn't look much like Dolores. Stunt double? Nice body though.

This is a surprisingly active film for 1932. First the boats, then the dancing, now the underwater swimming.

McCrea would probably get accused of assault today for that first kissing scene.

So unfortunate not to have any popcorn at home. It really is that kind of movie. And old fashioned root beer.

Is Dolores speaking an actual language or just making up sounds?

More boating action. Didn't realize flying fish are edible. I guess some are.

The behavior of the characters in this film often makes no sense. Way too giddy. Why, for example, does McCrea suddenly start strumming his tennis racket and singing when he should be helping Dolores move the boat? I think the explanation must be Prohibition. Everyone is used to people being drunk and giddy all the time.

Dolores is kissing him like she's his grandmother. No wonder the Mexican ladies approved.

You might wonder why I'm watching this film. Well, I've been a Joel McCrea fan ever since I saw Sullivan's Travels. So I decided to get every DVD starring him that the library has and have myself a McCrea film festival! I recently saw his last western. This must be one of his earliest films.

Some of these beach scenes look like Hawaii? Is that possible? Wow, it is! Though it seems they also used Catalina.

The islanders look way too white.

McCrea gets to do some Douglas Fairbanks-style action stunts.

There are still scenes, such as the untying of the bonds, that play like a silent film.

Dolores is dancing with two very strategically-placed leis. Must be taped on. Did the Mexican ladies actually *see* this movie?

Hmm, if that ring of fire is so scary, how come everyone runs right through rather than around it?

Nice rock climbing. Believe it was filmed at a slow speed so that it looks like they climb very fast when played back.

Climbing the palm tree it appears that sticks were driven into the trunk on the side we can't see, so he can climb with one foot like a ladder.

Wonder how this film would look colorized. The lush setting would certainly benefit.

"I'll teach you to run away from me!" as he's holding her down for a kiss. Mmm hmm. Definitely wouldn't fly today.

Wow, a few minutes later they're already shacking up -- literally!

Cute goat! Wonder how long before he starts nibbling on the house...

He's waxing rhapsodic about Market St. in San Francisco. Luckily he didn't know how it would turn out in our time, full of strip clubs, shady establishments and lowlifes.

Rather than island hair, Dolores has curled 1930s hair.

PETA probably wouldn't care for the way he treats the sea turtle in this movie.

Oh no, why harm the innocent goat?!

Oh look, it's the obligatory whirlpool.

And now the obligatory river of lava.

Hmm, seemed like the spear struck his torso, but he clutches his arm...

This dialog! He says, "I thought this was only gonna be a lark, but I love ya!" Her reply, "Thank you, Johnny."

Roasting a pig over an open fire. Supposed to be a meataphor, I mean, a metaphor?

Hmm, then they carry both of the protagonists over the fire, but nary a scream out of them. Must be a cool fire.

Here's the "cavalry", right on schedule.

Now she's feeding him like a baby bird. Is she supposed to be playing a lover or a maternal figure here?

It's interesting. I think McCrea would get more handsome when he was a little older.

This ending seems like something out of Somerset Maugham. Wonder if they did a little borrowing for this storyline.

Well, thanks for watching with me. Hope you enjoyed it!
