Constance Bennett, dowdy?

Does anyone else have issues with trying to buy Constance Bennett as a dowdy who is so unattractive that no one is dating or has asked to marry her before Gaylord's offer? Could they not have put her in ill-fitting clothes or at least spectacles so that her Cinderella transformation is more obvious and believable?


Sylvia was unmarried and in no known relationship thus was "dowdy" a common term in that era - quite the opposite nowadays.


I agree with your assessment Stella. She didn't look much different before her transformation than after. I don't think "dowdy" ever meant unmarried as the other poster said. You could be married and still be dowdy. I believe the popular term was "old maid ".


True, I think of dowdy as dressing in drab colors and unsophisticated. You can be pretty and still dress that way. The sets in the movie was gorgeous.
