Jeanne Eagels

Wow. Just try taking your eyes off her when she's onscreen. She virtually vibrates. My favorite moment is at the end, when she asks her husband, "So,what are you going to do about it?" and he says "Nothing". She just stares at him for a second and repeats, "Nothing. Nothing?" It's a powerful moment, if you'll excuse the cliche.


The last couple of lines are particularly powerful. Eagles and Bette Davis utter the sames lines, but Davis (THE Bette Davis) actually feels very weak and hollow compared to Jeanne Eagles.

Though, cinematically better, it always felt like there was something missing in the 1940 version, most likely it was probably because the later version had to be so "polished" because it was a postcode movie; whereas the 1929 movie was much more raw and powerful. You didn't have to bring in a 3rd party, in the form of some ridiculous, vengeful natives to do Leslie in. She and her husband make the consequences of their own fate.


As she died of complications of drug addiction, I have a feeling she was under the influence when she did this part. How else could she have acted like such a maniac? I take that back----I don't know if Jeanne was high or not, but she was like fingernails on a blackboard...squeaky, shrill, scraping and raspy. Her incredible thinness and ill look completed the scene. I couldn't wait for something to happen to her.


As she died of complications of drug addiction, I have a feeling she was
under the influence when she did this part. How else could she have
acted like such a maniac?
You know, I got a very similar impression while watching that last scene.
It looked to me like she was on speed, or in desperate need of a fix.

Actually, if you watch it without sound, she looks exactly like she's frantically
begging for it, from an uncooperative supplier, perhaps. It's eerie, and rather
heart-breaking, considering her penchant for self-medicating, and her sad end..

And her gestures: the nervous hair-twirling, face-touching, hand-wringing,
crossing her arms, then holding her arms and rubbing them, as if she's cold
... classic.


Her death is mentioned in a YouTube series, 1920's Channel. She died in her doctor's office from an overdose. I really adore Pre Code films. I believe this is on YouTube as well.


Interesting! I thought the same thing!
