80 years later !!!

I'm a bit perplexed in seeing that as the year 2006 is about to dawn upon us, there isn't one word of this film on the message board.

There are scenes in this classic picture that are absolutely astonishing, and in today's society would never be acceptable. For example, when Mary Pickford leads the group of barefoot orphans over a tree branch, with live alligators below.... all information on this film leads us to believe there were no special effects utilized in this scene. It is absolutely mind-boggling to imagine something such as this being filmed today, yet it happened in 1926.

Nevertheless, this motion picture did include a remarkable scene with early special effects.... as Jesus walked through a building's wall to accept a baby from the arms of Mary Pickford, soon after its death.

This silent classic (now on dvd) is an absolute masterpiece..... not only for its presence of the eternally-lovely Mary Pickford..... but because this is a film the viewer can never, ever forget.

< It's never too late to do the right thing. >


a few of the kids were still alive as recently as 3 years ago when a pickford documentary featured them


Not surprising, many people are living past 100 nowadays. Recently, I saw a documentary about a British guy who rescued multitudes of Czech Jewish children during the 30's. He was 104 and spoke really well.


I'm a bit perplexed in seeing that as the year 2006 is about to dawn upon us, there isn't one word of this film on the message board.

Be perplexed no longer: I was fortunate enough to see this movie in the late-90's (with Wurlitzer accompaniment no less) and am only posting on it today, nearly a decade later.

Just because you don't see comments on a given film doesn't necessarily mean it's been forgotten. As you say: "this is a film the viewer can never, ever forget."

(And God bless you, sir, for posting about it!)


I saw this a year ago. It is hard to believe that it was directed by William Beaudine (whose repertoire consisted mostly of cheap poverty row flicks, and whose nickname was 'One Shot').


Also, for some reason, IMDB administrators come through and 'cleanse' the boards intermittently. I see movies that should have pages of threads and only have two or three - some I know I've posted on years back. Wish they'd leave them alone, especially for films like this, where there aren't flame wars or rabid fan-boys & girls.


Pickford and Beaudine weren't crazy. The scene with the alligators was probably a composite or split screen shot.

It is a remarkable movie and I have a dvd of it. Unfortunately, and I agree with film critic William K. Everson on this, Pickford did not know when to stop. The movie should have been quickly wrapped up after the children escaped the swamp. The addition of the boat chase and the final determination what to do with the orphans was an interminable anti-climax after the brilliant swamp sequence.

Even so, this is a must for Pickford fans, and quite an eye openener for people who think of Pickford only as a rambunctious "America's Sweetheart."


It certainly stands the test as one of Pickford's best films and possibly one of the top 10 American silent films.

I've read many contradictory & seemingly authoritative statements on whether she & the kids were or were not really walking above live alligators. Whatever the truth, it certainly LOOKED real!


I caught this wonderful film on video in the late 1980s. I was very taken by it and it made me realize what a terrific talent Pickford was. As I recall, all the child actors are also excellent with Spec O'Donnell being a particular standout.


I just finshed watching this movie for the first time on TMC. The movie was truly excellent for the times etc. I thought the boat chase was kind of funny, yet important to the story and was well done for the period. Excellent movie.



I watched this today with my mother, who has dementia, and my seven-year-old nephew, who had no idea what a silent film is, and both enjoyed it all the way through!


I also saw this film a few hours ago and all I gotta say is wow! It's amazing what they got away with regarding the children since there were so many of them. It's very difficult to coordinate little ones like that and I too wonder if that aligator sequence was real or fake.



Komunickashun; REAL not 'reel' though many had their mouths wired shut.


kackylacky; I liked it also and my S.O. Mr. Xerses thought it was IMDB********Eight.


I am watching this for the first time ever. I am not a huge fan of silent movies but this one is absolutely wonderful.

"If I don't suit chu, you kin cut mah thoat!"



Yes, the boat chase is funny in that it looks so hokey. Still, it doesn't detract from the film (IMHO).


It's OK - the swamp sequence is obviously great, but the religious overtones, the kids and some of Pickford's over-the-top antics are kind of annoying.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Mary Pickford looks so young and tiny,very childlike yet she was in her thirties when this movie was made.
