MovieChat Forums > The Birth of a Nation (1915) Discussion > How is this movie not in the top 250

How is this movie not in the top 250

I don't particularly care for this film, I like many people on this board think it's a vile, racist piece of propoganda. Having said that, this film gave birth (pun intended) to modern cinema! How can this film not be in the top 250 and something like the Kill Bill films are?

Last film I saw:
Shaun of the Dead 10/10


I believe this movie has been surpass like a billion times already. It was surpass even before Orson Welles came out with Citizen Kane. Its like harping that you were the first to make that bike jump 30 years after the fact. When hundred others have done it better than you. Also for the movies importance. Hitler was a important historical figure. It doesn't mean i have to like him.




Maybe because it just being technical important. Doesn't make it a particular a good or great movie.



How dose something being politically incorrect = truth every time. I hate political correctness and SJW. But i find nothing truthful about this sh!t. In fact its pretty f###ing laughable.



Because it blatantly makes lies about history in order to glorify the KKK and demonize African Americans.
Don't get me wrong, I love the film for its technical mastery, but there's tons of lies all throughout the film. Racist lies, too.




Wow. This thread is old.

Well, first of all, the IMDb Top 250 is BS. It suffers from the recency effect, so to speak. A lot of old films are not on the Top 250 as, at some point, a majority of moviegoers will not have seen them and, even if so, wouldn't appreciate them. It's no indicator of the rankings of: technical significance, cultural significance or historical significance. Secondly, the film has an ever so slightly outlandish plot (even if the premise is sound), and the blackface makeup is just so poorly done that it would've been more appropriate to hire actual Black people, indians or whatever. Thirdly, indeed it is propaganda, but more importantly propaganda of a violent, possibly dehumanizing species. That's was unacceptable back then and still is. Any movie in which all the heroes are of one demographic and all the villians are of another demographic is going to be problematic, and even more so if it is a violent movie.
