Tangerine Dream

I have heard of them and i certainly didnt hate them (till now) Why in the blue hell would they FORCE us listen to their music in this particular film?? It's not THEIR movie and they proved they are arrogant acting like they directed the movie. Its called LAME. Big mistake gentlemen.


I agree that in order to watch this film, one simply must mute that wretched and ill-advised soundtrack.

What in the world were the producers thinking?


I agree, and I think that a piano arragement would have fit better.


JudyLaHara said

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I agree that in order to watch this film, one simply must mute that wretched and ill-advised soundtrack.

What in the world were the producers thinking?

-------------- End message -----------------------

I agree. The film is awesome, but the music stinks! Tangerine Dream killed the film! Silent movies should NOT have lyrics and upbeat drums
*nya* *purr*


just mute it.

about second track, how can there be second track when it's lost?


That's assuming that there was a soundtrack to be lost to begin with... At most I'd imagine that there was some sort of notations for the live music to be played during screenings. I'd even believe that most screenings during the roadshow through America where done music-less with only the narration.

As for the TD-soundtrack that we now have... I don't think it's all that bad in a movie which is basically a series of text stating they go here and do that, followed by that described scene. A handful of great shots for it's time but mostly a demented travelogue where the imagery didn't quite do the descriptions justice... I almost winceingly laughed at the sight of the dreadful and mighty Cerberus

I admire the pioneering spirit and the expertise it took them to get this far. Some of the multiple exposures and especially the forced perspective of the giants where really awe-inspiring when I think about how limited the toolset was back then. Although in the back of my mind I thought, ten years later or so, they could have made the descriptions so much more justice. Not a fault of the movie-makers, of course. Just a comment from a single modern perspective. I do realize that the simplistic, single tripod master shot, -style was the way to make movies at the time.

I guess the producers of the restoration could have made a more traditional soundtrack for those that aren't into the music they chose, but that would essentially double the budget. And in a niché-market like that of restored hundred year old movies... The budgets aren't that big to begin with... As said, we can always mute the TD-track and maybe sync up some other album. As is so popular to do with Dark Side of the Moon.




I think the isolated score from the Alien DVD would fit nicely, with a little chopping about.
I forget who actually scored Alien, but it was very atmospheric.

did you ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie?


I assume you're talking about the Goldsmith score.


I am indeed, I can't believe I forgot the it was Jerry's.

did you ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie?



download it from you tube put the file into convert x to dvd then next to the title click + and remove the score and add pink floyd echos live (set controls to heart of the sun works brilliant)

tune in to the greatest music on Night of the Fallen Angel http://notfarltd.blogspot.co.uk


It's on YouTube with the original Cello score, I don't know why anyone would watch this with a crappy modern score.
