MovieChat Forums > Shad M. Brooks Discussion > Cringe Inducing Mormon Lunatic with Cri...

Cringe Inducing Mormon Lunatic with Cringe opinions and beliefs

when he only talked about sword nonsense nobody cared. i mean, he was full of shit back then but at least that harmed nobody

now he just joing the "anti woke" grift gang on youtube. and on a live stream with other alt right lunatics like him he also talked nonsense and tried to prove the mormon theory that the israelites were native american.

anyboy who know a thing or 2 about mormons and their cult. they even make scientology look sane compared to them. and they are full of hate, which shad the lunatic love to spread on his videos.

now the idiot also try to convince people that AI is "real art" while showcasing some artificially and poor poor AI images that he claims "he made". when in reality all what he did was to write paramaters to prompt and click the generate button. yep. this is real "art"

the grifter litterly had 3 different channels and youtube allowing him to grift like a lunatic.

on one of his channels all he does is to bitch and moan about how everything under the book is "woke" together with some fat nerd with glasses they both rant all day long about how opressed they are and how everything sucks.

boy. this guy is a total clown
