MovieChat Forums > Thom Hartmann Discussion > Best Leftist Political Writer, Commentat...

Best Leftist Political Writer, Commentator and Pundit

Damn, Hartmann is an amazing political writer. He understands and has digested American history and culture like no other, and he can analyze and explain efficiently and fully.

I love to read his "Hartman Report" ( here's one )

To see what new facet of American history has been Tulsa'ed and blotted out of our memories.

This one goes way back to Edmund Burke, the British conservative who Thomas Paine visited for two weeks in 1787, and whose ideas were so repugnant to the "quintessentially American" Thomas Paine that he wrote "The Rights Of Man" in response.

Burke and his contemporaries in the late 1700s believed that if working-class people made too much money, they would challenge the social order and collapse the British form of government. So Parliament passed a law making it illegal for employers to pay people over a certain amount, so as to keep wage-earners right at the edge of poverty throughout their lives. (For the outcome of this policy, read pretty much any Dickens novel.)

In the 1950's our American plutocratic Conservative Party ... more Plutocrat than Conservative really, picked these ideas up and ran with them and has never put them down ... the put downs are only on the American working class - for 50 years.

Hartmann writes about how the "real Conservatives" said of the Plutocratic Conservatives --- "Republicans like then-President Dwight Eisenhower said, of people like Kirk and his rich buddies, ''Their numbers are negligible and they are stupid."``
