MovieChat Forums > Richard D. Wolff Discussion > There should be a vigorous discussion on...

There should be a vigorous discussion on Richard Wolff, probably the most well known supporter of Socialism

I saw the movie a long time ago, if you think of the 2008 economic
meltdown as a long time. I think that is accurate.

There are a lot of good points in the movie/documentary, and socialists
often have a lot of good points. After all, Karl Marx whose name is
most closely associated ( and vilified by the propagandists ) with
Socialism .... and oddly enough Capitalism, since Marx coined the term

When I hear Wolff talk about Capitalism in Marxian terms, it makes
sense. The incentives to make money are so intense it is a dog-eat-
dog world constantly at war, pretty much way the world has evolved.
The criticisms of Capitalism are good, and the sales pitch of Socialism
is good, but I think Wolff forgets that the way the argument is set up
is it is either unrestricted Capitalism ( Laissez-Faire, Free Market ...
which do not exist in reality ) or some kind of switch to a system that
is all promises and no modeling, explanation or analysis. I think that
is the problem with Socialism, no two socialists can agree on what it
means, while all non-socialists seem to agree that it means something
that it demonstrably does not.

So, since Socialism doesn't mean anything in particular, what are the
commonalities it holds with what we think of as Capitalism as practiced

Democracy, Law and Order, Regulation of Markets and Taxes

It seems to me that any real, practicing Socialist to be relevant and
motivate positive change should be looking at our system and analyzing
ways to improve it, because by improving any system they should all
end up converging on some kind of system that is maximally beneficial to all.
