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Disney is ruining the entire medium of film

With the mixed reception of Rise of Skywalker out now, I want to rant on how the Disney monopoly is destroying cinema.

It all starts with Bob Iger: an incompetent TV executive that Michael Eisner pushed onto Disney shareholders under duress just before he retired in 2006. The Iger buys Marvel a few years later because he is creatively bankrupt, and it actually pays off with the MCU. So he decides to buy Star Wars from George Lucas attempting to replicate MCU’s success, which eventually is slowly run into the ground by Kathleen Kennedy. But both franchises make enough money to embolden him to buy 20th century Fox, thus creating one of the greatest tragedies to happen to American cinema since Heaven’s Gate bankrupted UA (ending the New Hollywood era).

I haven’t even mentioned the horrible trend of live action remakes of their animated films, which just exposes how creatively bankrupt Disney truly is, and is nothing more than naked exploitation of people’s nostalgia.

Now we are in a landscape where one studio controls what is seen in movie theaters, and what kind of genre gets produced, and anyone outside of this system is either dumped into streaming services or worse. It’s an environment where auteurs like Martin Scorsese can’t get their films in wide releases anymore. He’s absolutely right when he said the marvel films are turning movie theaters into theme parks.

It’s only going to get worse in the coming decade, because any monopoly is going to reduce your choices as a consumer and charge you more for inferior products. not to mention the transition from physical media to streaming, where the studios can control what you can watch with much more power than ever before. All because of one mediocre ABC executive.


First, the CEO said there is no source material, the Expanded Universe, or Legends, was green lit by George Lucas. It involved comics, books, additional movies (Ewok Adventures), games, etc. Disney, decided to scrap all of that, and do there own thing, giving Lucas and true fans the big middle finger.

Yes, there is a difference between true fans and just fans. True fans go with George Lucas and his vision, and what he green lit as part of the Star Wars Universe. Fans just like the main source material, and currently follow Disney and their destruction of one of the greatest franchises.
We have 6 great movies, either with scores, graphics, story line, characters, etc. Then we have JJ and his personal vision of what HE wanted Star Wars to be. Despite pulling Lucas for his notes and vision, then telling him to screw off, and instead of having his own ideas, remade the New Hope.

Now the Force Awakens or TFA, would have been great to start a whole new set of stories.
It seems like they just wanted to tie the old stories to it in passing as was the idea JJ mentions several times.
Wouldn't really need a Skywalker in any of them, but pulled from other characters, similar to Mandalorian, oh wait, they screwed that up too (Story about Boba Fett, that was supposed to be a movie, based off of the source material that now doesn't exist…but they still used).
The Last Jedi or TLJ, was Rian Johnson paying homage to the Star Wars Universe as a whole, and George Lucas. Lucas enjoyed TLJ because Rian was able to take source material, JJ's notes and loop holes in the Disney Stories to try and bring it back to the previous 6 main films, mainly with putting the focus back on the Skywalkers (who the story is about). This is the best film of the new 3 in terms of story, fights, and answers questions IN didn't want to answer. There are certain things
