MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > Will the glorious era of J-Law soon come...

Will the glorious era of J-Law soon come to its bitter end?

Don't worry J-Laws fans. We will still see J-Law on big screen for many years.

I mean, will Passengers be the turning point from where the glorious era of J-Law comes to its bitter end?

There is nothing about J-Law's ability of performance. I have watched Passengers, her performance in the film is OK, and it is only OK because Aurora is a simple character so there isn't more room for performing.

But the studio paid her 20 million, obviously not for buying her acting ability but for her star power. The studios paid her only 1 million for casting her in The Hunger Games and American Hustle, and that was the price for her ability of acting, which had been proved by Winter's Bone prior the casting, and because she wasn't as popular in audience as today the star power wasn't included in the prices then.

Ironically, the weak/flawed/boring screenplay of Passengers gives the studios an opportunity to observe how much star power J-Law truly has.

And according to the data of box office, I guess they are disappointed. Though I also guess they aware that it could be far worse if Sony didn't cast popular stars like J-Law and Pratt in.

So, the conclusion should be:

J-Law isn't a box office bomb, but she just can't save the box office from being bombed by other causes either, just like the Superman can't save the congress being bombed in Batman v Superman.

So, we will still see J-Law on big-screens for many years, but maybe only the on-sale priced J-Law, comparing to the price of 2016-2017 of course.


The greatest grossing films of all times didn't have any big name stars: Oh Toby... you really do need to troll better.

1. Star Wars: Force Awakens. Star Wars has a huge following, so you don't need any big name stars. Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill aren't big names at all that draw in a crowd?
2. Avatar. Didn't have any big name stars. Only the next movie to be filmed by previous #1 most successful movie of all time and Best Director, James Cameron.

Not to mention Sigourney Weaver of Aliens fame or Michelle Rodriguez of Fast & Furious fame.
3. Titanic. No big name stars at the time. Best Actor in a Supporting Role for What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Leonardo DiCaprio was a nobody? Best Actress in a Supporting Role for Sense and Sensibility, Kate Winslet was a nobody? James Cameron wasn't a big name? Guess Terminator II: Judgment Day was a colossal failure.
