MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > 750 k monday...............

750 k monday...............

wowwwwwww.... gooodbyeeee flop


When two people look at the same thing from vastly different perspectives and come to a singular conclusion - they have arrived at the truth.


Twas not my intention to disagree with you. Those things I described as lacking did indeed make up 90% of the whole. Chris and Jen made up the other 10% and their work was admirable.

ill admit i have not seen it. but from what i heard their work was average, mediocre and passable. thier chemistry was believable, but other than that what i heard was it was certainly not award worthy or anything to talk about

Actors should never be blamed for a poor box office result unless their acting was bad. If they were given stupid lines to say - they'll come off sounding stupid. If they play a protagonist that no one could like and they play it well, then no one will like them. The actor's job is to make it real. Nothing more and nothing less.

and yet some actors have been able to take some of the worst scripts, the worst dialogues and make them exemplary (ewan mcgregor in the star wars prequels for example)

the problem is with the jlaw cultists on here, even when her acting is bad, and every actor has afew bad movies, everyone is to blame but her... in serena... it was the editor and director... days of future past and apocalypse (i watched comentarys and some of the critivs i watched are her biggest fans, and they nonstop LOLd and made fun of how bad she phoned it in) it was the script, her character, the director etc

the problem is when a film succeeds, no matter how many other aspects or other factors , according to the cultists JLAW was the main draw and no one else could of played the part better, she was not only the best and the biggest draw, but she and soley she was capable of playing the role.

which is ludicrious. especially given the number of ensembles shes been in where she was 4th billed. or the hunger games where it has an established book fan group. its like saying daniel radcliff was mostl responsible for the harry potter sucess. its insane and a joke... and yet they have said it... multiple times

he only thing I would object to is taking pleasure in the failure of a film. I have no doubt that everyone involved with this project was working hard to make it a success. Clearly some bad decisions were made along the way - and provided those that made them can learn from them - their next project will be more successful.

every film take hundreds if not thousands of hard working people to make it come together... doesnt mean its good... what most of jlawS resentment on these boards stems from is.........

In short, I agree with much of what you are saying - but remain unsure as to your motivation for saying it. this...

about a year ago i came as a fan.. i didnt think she was perfect but thought she had some great performances... unfortuantely there was about 20, fan cultists, who no matter how much you praied her, if you ever dared criticise her, it was flagged and deleted.

you should of seen this board a year ago.. it was only praising posts, and in them about 50% were deleted and said "this comment cannot be displayed"..

i came as a moderate fan, but the cultists who lived here didnt allow even the mildest criticism. it was either "shes perfect and the best" or else "you are a troll hater" and got flagged.

most of the resentment isnt even against jlaw.. its her cultists fans who would only accept their echo chamber of praise..
