When Passengers flops

It will no longer be a debate that Jennifer Lawrence is a box office draw. Right now a lot of people say yes but when you take away franchise films and ensemble films what are we left with...SLP which did well then Joy and Serena... you do the math...

After Passengers comes out and doesn't make 300 Million WW or better it will no longer be up for discussion.


How refreshing... At least one can have a conversation with you, unlike that mental case 'Ambienwinediet' (the name says it all).. We are on the same page about Pratt but Lawrence has had successful movies outside the blockbusters (although as I said I will always argue that Hunger Games would have not been as successful with a lesser, non Oscar winning actress. It would have still made a lot of money though)... Winter's Bone cost nothing and made 13+ million, house at the end of the street cost nothing and made 44+ million, her brilliant Oscar winning performances in Silver Linings certainly helped that movie make that kind of money and her fame together with Bale's certainly helped American Hustle...

Look at films that had far worse reviews than Joy that more people saw and there was NO big name leading star: Annie(2014) Fantastic Four(2015) Me Before You(2016) Annabelle(2014) Heaven Is For Real(2014)- made the same amount of money Joy did and was panned even worse and had no big names in it

As for Joy, you also have to take in consideration the type of movie and the audience it targets... Joy was a movie about a mop inventor (lol, and it still made that kind of money), the movies you mention are the remake of a great,famous classic (Annie) and it had big Oscar winning stars attached (Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz..), a superhero movie that should have been huge (Fantastic Four), a movie that had a huge fan base, readers of the best selling book (Me Before You), an horror movie involving James Wan (horror movies have a big, stable audience..again, even a movie like House of the End of the street that cost nothing made 44+ mil), Heaven is For Real (got all that Christian, religious audience and it had stars in it)
There are of course always exceptions with movies that usually don't have a huge audience making a lot of money and there are also many many movies who should have a way bigger appeal for audiences (than a mop inventor), stars attached and they made way less than Joy.. So I think that to you Joy may not seem a big success but imo it is considering the kind of movie it is (again, about a mop inventor and bad reviews/David Russell backlash certainly didn't help). Without Lawrence Joy would have made way less money or flopped completely like many movies I could mention (with same budget and big stars). Pratt has yet to show that, carrying movies completely on his shoulders.
As you said, and I agree, every actor has ups and downs and just because I feel the need to remind people, I'll say that Jennifer Lawrence is still only 26 and only at the beginning of her career... Also, I don't agree when people discredit her success in David O Russell movies calling them ensemble casts, when most of the other actors were in successful ensemble cast movies (again, Lawrence was already Katniss when Silver Linings came out and her Oscar winning performance helped the repeat viewing that movie had and DVD/Blu-Ray sales... a lot of people, including myself, watched that movie or bought the blu-ray only because of her).
