MovieChat Forums > Mia Wasikowska Discussion > One of the most brilliant actresses of h...

One of the most brilliant actresses of her generation.

Watching Mia is a delight. She brings many nuances to her characters and is such a sensitive, intense actress. I can't take my eyes off her when she is on screen, no matter how good her costars are.
Wasikowska, Emily Browning and Amanda Seyfried are my favourite younger actresses, without a doubt.


She will take smaller parts on the strength of the project (director/writer/co-stars), yet she's offered these great leading roles because she's just that good at her job.

Case in point: she was willing to take quite a small, nothing-special role in Lawless because of the director (John Hillcoat) and that killer cast (except Shia LaBozo, but nobody's counting him anyway).

You four-eyed psycho.
