MovieChat Forums > Amber Heard Discussion > Amber Heard's drug dealer Ryan Leone spe...

Amber Heard's drug dealer Ryan Leone speaks Out

Listen brother... I usually don't chime in on gossip but I know Johnny is a dear friend of yours and I've known Amber for years so I figured I'd throw an opinion out there based on my own experience with her.
I remember sitting at a picnic table in Santa Monica with you a few months ago, having an absolutely prophetic conversation about Johnny and Amber's tumultuous relationship... And brother you sure did call it... That sick and conniving fame-whore has come to sabotage a man that I've heard nothing but solid things about.
I met Amber at the Santa Barbara Film Festival back in 2008. I was at the after party for the Bret Easton Ellis adaption of The Informers. Amber had a *beep* role in the movie and I ended up selling her some blow and giving her my number.
Our interactions back then were primarily drug-related but I can tell you this... She was a dope fiend of the worst variety, shooting coke in her crotch to veil her addiction. She had the propensity towards delusional and paranoiac fits that could last for days until she finally crashed.
She got the police called on my house several times, including once for being obnoxiously wasted and driving my ATV around a residential neighborhood at 3 in the morning. She is a materialistic, hedonistic, narcissistic, VERY loud and combative person. I lost contact after I left California for a few years but when I heard that she had married Johnny Depp I can only imagine that these underlying delusions of grandiosity were amplified to an almost tyrannical level. I mean, it is Johnny Depp after all.
Domestic Violence is a real thing and it's an ugly thing. I've done some bad stuff in my time but I've never put hands on a woman, child, or animal. I'm also aware that fame grabbing from b-list talentless actresses is real thing as well. I know Amber and she is a liar. The truth is being revealed rapidly but rest assured - coming from someone that has wasted a lot of my life with this person - I full heartedly support Mr. Depp.

Sounds legit!


um. are you trying to be sarcastic or what?
