MovieChat Forums > Jonah Hill Discussion > Why does he use a stage last name 'Hill'...

Why does he use a stage last name 'Hill'?

instead of his real surname


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Hes ashamed of being jewish


Probably not. Why does it have to do with him being Jewish? When other actors do it all the time. Don't be such a bigot.


Did you ever notice the other actors who change their name are usually Jewish as well? I don't think it's always a shame thing. It's probably an attempt to appear more accessible to the audience, whom 98% are not Jewish. Jews make up an enormous portion of the media industry, this is especially the case when considering how small a minority they are. To make this fact less obvious, many actors change their names to make them sound more Gentile. Otherwise, people may realize our media is dominated by a small minority - and many are likely to take offense to that.


No, they are not usually Jewish, you just don't realize how many actors have changed names. I just looked at a list of about 40 and only 6 or 7 were Jewish, including Natalie Portman who actually kept a Jewish name that just sounded better. So, I don't think your logic stands.


Jewish people comprise 2% of the US population, and 0.2% of the world population. In a list of 40 Hollywood celebrities who changed their names, you recognized nearly 20% as being Jewish, and those are just the people you recognize as such. Did you Google search the people you didn't?

Here is a list made by IMDB of 101 celebrities who changed their names

2% of this list, would be roughly "2". Look at the list. Use Google and check for yourself. You'll get something between 20% - 50% who have at least one Jewish parent. This means either a large portion of celebrities are Jewish, a large portion of celebrities who change their names are Jewish, or both.

It's all relative. Just because people are a minority, doesn't mean they cannot be over-represented in an industry. If this industry is dependent on an image, and relating to the audience, then it really makes sense if you think about it. Not trying to sound bigoted, just looking at the numbers bluntly.


Whether or not Jewish people are over represented in the industry relative to the population has nothing to do with whether or not they do it more than a non-Jewish individual. On that list only about 35% of the people had Jewish ancestry, and only about 20% had really "Jewish sounding" names. That is almost the same percentage of the list I looked at. I don't know where you got almost 50%. But anyway, it would have to be a disproportionate percentage to say its almost always a Jewish person who changes their name, and it is not. Even of it was 50%, it still wouldn't be enough to make such a statement. Population has nothing to do with it. People are bigots. Period.
