MovieChat Forums > Saoirse Ronan Discussion > A notable anomaly regarding Saoirse and ...

A notable anomaly regarding Saoirse and Dakota Fanning.

With regard to their considerable respective hauls of Award wins and nominations:

Saoirse (Born 12 Apr 94) - Film and TV Titles 26 ; Award Wins 41 ; Award Nominations 92 ; Total Box Office $270 mil

Dakota (Born 23 Feb 94) - Film and TV Titles 57 ; Award Wins 17 ; Award Nominations 26 ; Total Box Office $1,400 mil

Both are outstanding actresses but it seems a little odd that with twice as many titles under her belt and a much larger box office total Dakota has only a third of the combined Award wins and nominations as Saoirse.

Anyway it's no big deal but I just thought it was an interesting point of difference.

Anyone care to hazard a guess as to the reason for it?

The Players of The Game are the scum of the earth.


I was underwhelmed by 'Brooklyn' on my first viewing but warmed to it considerably on my second viewing. Though I still had the same problem understanding why Eilish didn't say that she was married when she returned to Ireland.

Perhaps I was expecting too much on my first viewing after all the hype the film had received. Anyway on my second viewing that initial disappointment was gone and I found myself appreciating the film much more.

The first half of the film is really very good and Saoirse is lovely in the role. But she comes a little unstuck in the second half I think when what she is doing doesn't really make sense. That isn't Saoirse's fault it's just the way the character was written. In order for the film to have the necessary drama Eilish had to have this conflict about which man she would choose.

But the difficulty is that Eilish was such an honest and good girl that what she did (by keeping her marriage a secret and dallying with Jim) just seemed completely out of character. The only way Saoirse seemed to be able to work with that was by acting as though Eilish was confused. And that made her seem a bit feeble minded, which she hadn't been prior to returning to Ireland.

The Players of The Game are the scum of the earth.
