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George Santos expelled from the US House [still lying!]

Members of the US House of Representatives have voted 311-114 to remove New York Republican George Santos
The vote was sparked after Santos was charged with multiple crimes, causing colleagues to declare him unfit to serve
A House ethics committee report claims Santos used campaign money on Botox, OnlyFans, designer fashion and personal purchases
A two-thirds majority was needed to expel a member from the US House. Republicans hold a slim majority in the chamber
Santos had survived two previous expulsion votes
Santos called efforts to oust him "bullying" and says the allegations are "slanderous"


Democrat congressman Jamie Raskin just spoke with our reporter Sam Cabral on the steps of the Capitol.

He told the BBC: "Look, I keep asking the question, where did George Santos get the idea that you could lie cheat steal, corrupt your office and still succeed in the Republican party?"

"It comes from the top, it's Donald Trump who has set that standard of corruption for the GOP," Raskin said.

Raskin added if this is a new day for ethics in politics, Trump should be next to go.
