
I really thought I wouldn't see her anymore. She seemed to be relegated to strait to DVD rom coms, but then all the sudden Chocolate Ice Cream bar commercial, and then the next thing you know... Bam! Medical Drama on the WB! I have got to get the name of her agent?


i agree adam is the one who gets least exposure, but at least his performances in movies gets noticed, why else will he be playing lead roles in movies now? because he showed real acting talent even when he was given nothing to work with , i said he is most respected because he is the one who is working with a list directors at the moment
fyi ,rachel and ben the movies they did not have much bigger roles either, only mischa played the leads, and adam was offered lead roles in tv ,like chuck, so if he wanted he could have his own shows like them
p.s i never said other oc stars are not respected, i just told the truth about adam

Adam Brody rules
