MovieChat Forums > Emily Blunt Discussion > She is not that pretty!

She is not that pretty!

There i say it!!!

Her face is not good looking and her Natural body (Not the one that they force her to have in roles) is chubby!! yEAH I know many of you see edge of tomorrow and you see her fit as hell and you all start saying "Omg she is fit" nope she is not check her normal pictures that she is not forced to be fit for a role and she how much fat she have on her arms!!

And her face i mean..really? you people say that she is better than Scarlett Johansson and she should have been in avengers and bla bla? really? REALLY HERe?

They are both same age (1 year apart) and emily look way older than Johansson! so no never compare then again!

And before someone goes nuts on me

I dont say that she is ugly as hell and she should hide under a rock i just say stop saying stuffs like "She is the most beautiful woman in the world" or "she is more beautiful than Johansson"

And for the feminazis on boards

Yeah i talk for their beauty because lets face it both of them are not that great actors they are just some good looking face on hollywood lets be real here

Anyway just my 2 cents on the subject beauty of emily blunt!


She's captivating. Looks, charm, and talent.
