MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > The Left Is Right To Fear Tucker Carlson

The Left Is Right To Fear Tucker Carlson

"When I heard those criticisms of Tucker Carlson, it reminded me of a similar canard used against another journalist many years before, a journalist who like Carlson was unafraid of entrenched power and who stood up for American principles at every opportunity.

That journalist was Edward R. Murrow, who exposed the anti-American demagoguery of Sen. Joseph McCarthy at a time in the 1950s when most members of the media – like most citizens of the country – were terrified of being labeled a Communist if they didn’t carry a torch for McCarthy’s witch hunt.

Murrow’s program 'See It Now' was noted for fearless journalism, and the March 9, 1954, episode entitled 'A Report on Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy' was the high-water mark of Murrow’s career, leading to the eventual condemnation of McCarthy by the Senate."
