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Anthony Bourdain on Sichuan Peppers, Sex, Eating Dogs, and Political Correctness

Interview in libertarian Reason. Bill Maher is Insufferably smug!

New Zealand–based writer Alexander Bisley reached the traveler and chef by phone the day after the Electoral College confirmed Donald Trump as president of the United States, and Bourdain talked about how Sichuan peppers are like sex, whether animal-rights activists have any sense of humor, and how the "utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes" is a problem.


He sounded confused and it is something I picked up on a lot in his shows. He is just another brain dead Leftard.


Maybe you should actually read the interview. He criticizes his own side plenty.
