MovieChat Forums > Megan Fox Discussion > She was not fired from Transformers, she...

She was not fired from Transformers, she quit

She announced that she was leaving the franchise. She quit. When Michael Bay said Steven Spielberg told him to fire her, Spielberg said Michael Bay was lying. People like the idea that she was fired because it sends a message that "see what happens little girls when you speak out of line against big powerful director men." We live in a patriarchal culture and the way their situation is framed is completely rooted in sexism.

Michael Bay spent his entire promo tour of T3 trashing her. Why would he do that unless he was butt hurt and trying to get back at her? He claims Steven Spielberg demanded that she be fired when she compared him to Hitler.

But in an interview with Entertainment Weekly Spielberg says he never said that.

"STEVEN Spielberg has hinted Michael Bay is a liar!

In a new interview with America�s Entertainment Weekly magazine, the director was asked about Bay telling GQ that when Megan Fox compared him to Hitler in an interview, Spielberg said that he should fire her from the Transformers movie franchise.

�That�s not true,� Spielberg said, shaking his head. 'That didn�t happen.'"


The website The Wrap reported about an "inside" perspective on the matter:

And while Deal Central was skeptical at first that Fox would walk away from such a lucrative role, persistent whispers around Hollywood indicated that there was another side of the story.
Bay has a history of demeaning his leading ladies, including "Pearl Harbor" star Kate Beckinsale; an individual close to the actress recalled that the director "wasn't very nice" to her on the set, either.
Apparently, Fox wasn't the only "Transformers" cast member affected by Bay's rude behavior. TheWrap also learned that "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" star Isabel Lucas chose not to join her co-stars on a publicity tour for the film because she didn't get along with the director, who was described as being "too powerful" and "not well-liked" by the female talent community.

More evidence:


Good thing Stanley Kubrick never followed your lame advice. He would've never succeeded or got his movies on the big screen let alone video. Because you don't know what you're talking about.

"be a normal person" requires ACTING SKILLS. It's hard to ACT normal, when you are reading the lines from a freakin' script.

Was Mikaela not a NORMAL person? Was she not ACTING NORMAL? Explain the difference between her acting in Transformers, How to Lose Friends and Alienate People, Jonah Hex, Friends with Kids, where she was NORMAL, and Hope & Faith. Please? I wish you would, I dare you.


The only characters Megan ever played where she had to show any range was Passion Play and she played that character as best as anyone else could. She had emotion, she showed the vulnerability, the insecurity, the shyness, likely because she was just mostly playing herself.
She had a scene in 'This is 40' where she was having a drunken conversation with Leslie Mann's character. It was the funniest part in the movie. She NAILED IT. I would add Jennifer's Body to the mix, but she didn't have to do much.

Megan's biggest con, is probably her voice. It's so monotone, pitchy and childlike, but when she wants to show her range, she's clearly good. The Eminem video, she didn't even need to speak, her behavior and ACTING spoke for itself and that ish was NOT NORMAL. Even on SNL she went from character to character. She was GREAT. They didn't give her much to work with, but when they did, the Fox could work. Especially the biker girls segment. Kristen Wiig is considered great at what she does and Megan outdid her in that segment, so don't you dare come up here running your lips about Megan's acting capabilities. I've seen it, which is why I said she'll last in Hollywood, if she really wants it. Shia LaBeouf was never a good actor. The boy sucked in a "Guide To Recognizing Your Saints". He plays the same character in every movie and when it's time to do something outside of that, he clearly doesn't have it and don't get me started with Kristen Stewart.

Instead of coming up here and repeating what somebody else said, (It's obvious when you try and pull out old hags that won Oscars and called them great actors due to their age) why don't you form an original opinion by actually watching and appreciating her work.(It's obvious you haven't seen ish, when you listed "Whore") Instead of going in assuming she sucks and trying to nit-pick. Nobody said she was perfect, but she obviously has potential. She got famous for her looks, so what, what female isn't famous for her appearance? There's no need to trash her for what she was blessed with. John Malkovich is not a good actor, he's the same dull, no range, character in everything he does. But if he's put in the right role like a serial killer, that kind of lifeless acting, may be convincing in that role. If Megan played a lead character in a well-written comedy, with a very good director, she'd probably get an Oscar nod too.
