MovieChat Forums > Michael Fassbender Discussion > Assassin's Creed - total lack of promoti...

Assassin's Creed - total lack of promotion

WTF? Why is Fassbender flogging the dead horse and trying to promote the flop that is TLBO instead of pushing hard for Assassin's Creed? TLBO is already dead and will not be revived no matter how many press conferences he attends, but AC still has potential. Very odd, since Fassbender is also producing it and yet he hasn't done s** to promote it. Is Fox determined to lose money on this project? Does anyone have an answer to this riddle?


No need to write long boring essays to me. Seeing as you're such a marketing expert I'm sure Fox are praying you'll contact them with all your superior strategies - how's about contacting them and telling them just where they're going wrong??
TLBO is much hated in certain quarters because of Ms Vikander and Fassbender falling in love while making it; spin whatever tale you like, that's what's really bugging you.
Fassbender will promote AC when Fox and he think it's the correct time, not when you and a handful of other fans decree. Got it?
