MovieChat Forums > Michael Fassbender Discussion > Michael Fassbender's romantic love for A...

Michael Fassbender's romantic love for Alicia Vikander is so great...

...that he barely recognizes her presence in his life.

Exhibit A:

Interviewer asks, "Do you like being alone?"
Fassbender responds, "Do I like being alone? I spend a lot of time alone. I guess the nature of my job means many hours at home by myself. So...yes."

Umm...Fassy...don't you have a girlfriend to spend your free "alone" time with? 
Makes me wonder how close their relationship is if they spend so little time together after two years of dating. With his busy schedule, it can't be that deep a connection.

Exhibit B:

The open-ended question being asked was "Why Canada is special to Michael Fassbender?". In his reply, he mentions how Toronto's film festival is one of the biggest in the film industry, how the Toronto audiences are passionate about film, how he came to Montreal three times (for filming the X-Men series) and how his first Canadian screening was at TIFF for his breakthrough film, "Hunger". NOT A SINGLE MENTION OF HOW HE FIRST MET ALICIA AT TIFF (at least that was the claim that Alicia gave in one of her interviews).

How could Fassy overlook such an important detail like that? It's like forgetting your dearest's birthday. He remembers the work-related events that took place in Canada but he doesn't acknowledge the personal significance of the place where he (allegedly) first laid eyes on his current girlfriend? I find that odd.

It would seem that Fassy is more in love with his work than with any woman in particular. For a guy who is (supposedly) enraptured with his latest co-star, his remarks leave the strange impression that Alicia is either absent or invisible in his life. Not even a footprint of sentimental value. That's a cold shoulder if you ask me.


Don't try. Her fans defend this "love tale" like it's their own lives. You can't say anything about her at all without a 12 point argument on how it's because you are in love with him and denial.

I saw the same responses when people were upset she was portraying a character of color in Submergence.

It's a fascinating phenomenon
