MovieChat Forums > Emma Watson Discussion > She IS Hermoine, you really can't have a...

She IS Hermoine, you really can't have anyone else play the character

I still can't wrap my head around the idea of casting someone else as Hermoine, it just doesn't computes, Emma IS Hermonine and separating the two is like destroying the character. I don't see this upcoming TV series working at all, the backlash on casting someone else as Hermoine will be massive.


I mean eventually popular franchise roles are recast and taken up by different actors as time goes by. It is really inevitable. Look at Batman and other superheroes, for example.


You might not want to go see the Broadway show Harry Potter. I loved it, but just warning you, Hermoine is not only NOT Emma Watson, but she's black.


Just like they are doing with the upcoming Romeo and Juliette.


For being 14% of the US population, Blacks sure manage to represent a much higher percentage than that in Media, Entertainment, and sports. And nobody calls foul. When whites dominate anything, it's immediately called racist and time to boycott.


Yes, for these people making things diverse is code word for making things less white. Which is why they can say that an all black cast like in Black Panther is diverse but an all white cast is not. Pure identity politics, it is ridiculous and their claim that media needs to represent demographics is a lie.


A lot of characters get recast. As long as the new actors do a good job, it could work.
