MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Did tRump sell Israeli military secrets ...

Did tRump sell Israeli military secrets to the highest bidder at Mar-a-Lago?

Obviously the top secret military information he stole and kept at Mar-a-Lago was being used for something. Hopefully Jack Smith is getting to the bottom of this, but in the meantime, tRump is a psychotic maniac who shouldn't have been let out on bail.


And we all know that Russian supports Hamas and that tRump supports Putin. Scary thought.


Do "we all know that"?
The situation doesn't appear that simple.

Russia supported Palestine the recent years, but even Putin is careful to confront the Russian Orthodox Church. And the Orthodox aren't really friends of the Islam and with that not really friends of the Hamas.
And while Trump showed surprising affection for Putin, he also supported Israel.

That leaves us with a rather confusing salad. 🥗​
