MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Break up the tech monopolies?

Break up the tech monopolies?

Liberals have been criticizing the social media platforms long before conservatives.

But the funny thing is conservatives are criticizing them for censoring. Liberals were criticizing them for not censoring enough!

Don't you get suspicious when every anti-establishment candidate gets accused of being a foreign agent? Trump was Russian. Now the media is running stories about Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard being Russian agents. In the 2016 primary, Hillary accused Bernie of being a dual citizen of Israel. Even Obama being a Kenyan Muslim came from Hillary, in the 2008 primary.

The Israeli dual citizen remark seems unthinkable today, at a time when a low level congresswoman got censured for merely mentioning that a lobby group called AIPAC exists. How did Hillary get away with that? Trump Pelosi and Schumer are all competing for who is most loyal to Israel. Schumer said he was ordained by God to be a guardian of Israel. Did he say that about America too? No. Do Israeli politicians pledge their allegiance to America? No. Pelosi said that if America literally burned to the ground, we would still fund Israel because it's more important than America itself.

These are the real foreign agents. This isn't even dual loyalty. This is out-in-the-open treason. Israel first and America last. Are you Russia collusion believers paying attention to this? Big Tech can't protect you from foreign meddling. They are the foreign meddling.


Twitter's gotta go.


Why? Because T-rump has ruined it? It was never meant to be a platform for bullying but that’s what he turned it into. Twitter should stay; he should go.


Hey Thrillhouse, still ignoring Trump's AIPAC loyalty, huh? Posting with this sock in order to avoid accountability for your words?

Where's the honesty from you? Nothing but constant propaganda spewing from you and your socks.

Shameful. Disgraceful.
