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Philadelphia: 3 Charged, Antifa Flag Seized After Trump Supporters, Police Attacked

More proof Antifa is a fascist hate group. Nice to see that New Jersey just declared them terrorists!

George Lewis, the local man who was punched by suspected Antifa foot soldiers, gave his side of the story to Breitbart News:

Basically it started as the Antifa protesters tried to block us from crossing market street. A girl was standing in front of Jeff; she didn’t want him to cross the street. We just walked around. They weren’t being forceful. They followed us, and they waited until we entered the bar. This girl in a salmon shirt, who instigated the whole thing, tried to pull my Kekistan flag off of my flag pole. As soon as I turned around to pull my flag back, I was sucker punched from the left and right. It was then just chaos.

According to the Trump supporters, this anti-Trump, alleged Antifa group was also willing to attack police. “One of the guys attacking us assaulted a cop,” Lewis described to Breitbart News, continuing:

As I was taken to the police precinct to get in my statement about the attack, I noticed that one of the officers had a confiscated flag from Antifa. I asked him if I could have it and he said yeah. He was sympathetic to us, and he agreed that Antifa were political terrorists and agitators.
