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T-rump fails to bring the economy to 4% growth

During his campaign promises in 2016, Trump promised he could get the economy to record 4% annual growth, if not higher. Said the future fascist dictator just weeks before the election to a crowd in Las Vegas:

"We're bringing it (the GDP) from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent."

Yes - 4 % on the low end, 6% on the high..5% average.

Under his first year in office - 2017 - the economy grew 2.3%, less than half of what he promised 'on average'.

So far for 2018, we're stuck at 2.3% - again, a far cry from 4 - 6%. Economists believed the economy would grow 2.9% in the first quarter of 2018...not a measelu 2.3%.

It's time to get this liar out of office. He can't achieve one of his campaign promises.


...He promised to leave Hillary where he found her.

She's there, dead in the ground.


Yes but we’re still waiting for 4-6% growth. He said it would be easy as building a wall or repealing Obamacare -all in a days work.


Yeah, but, that ain't what you said in your last charter sentence. That's what I responded to.

If he doesn't keep THAT campaign promise neither of us are in here this morning.
