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True Andrew, which I think is Great on Adam's part to give, like Rob Schneider and the other's roles. I think they all compliment each other in acting in movies together. Sometimes when I see Steve Buscemi (sp?) he almost seems out of place when in serious movies like Con Air. But it's just different roles he's acting, like from Crazy Eye's in Mr Deed's to Garland Green in Con Air.
This is a quote here from Jackie's IMDB "Show More" information.

In 50 First Dates (2004), a 2004 hit comedy/romance movie, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore were offered parts in sharing the screen together. Drew and Adam have co-stared in major movies previously, but this time Adam demanded that his wife, Jackie, be given somewhat of a part in this movie, the director, Peter Segal didn't want to lose Adam as the main co-star, and gave the part of the dentist to Jackie. Because Adam only starred in this movie, he wasn't able to offer a bigger part or a co-star part to his wife, Jackie.

The word "Demanded" got me And it seems to me , that perhaps Adam said he wouldn't do it if she wasn't in it. Kind of sounds like that way As it says The director was afraid of losing him as the co-star. So I'm guessing it may have been threatened to be done
"50 First Dates" is one my all time Favorites I watch it at least once every day. Drew and Adam sure do work well together. They compliment each other's acting very well
