Who's the best Who

I only recently discovered the Doctor Who series, but nothing stopped me from renting the whole series and enjoying a Doctor Who marathon...twice! And while I maintain a fondness for Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor persona, not just for reviving the series but also for his take on the character, David Tennant's Tenth Doctor will always be my favorite. He added so much depth to the character, and I absolutely loved his 'tongue in cheek humor' (or cheekiness) and his sharp wit. I can honestly say that his final appearance in "The End of Time" was one of those performances that you both love and hate at the same time...it was so powerful and raw...I freely admit that I was too shocked to even cry at his last words. I think it is because Tennant's portrayal was so deep, that I appreciate Matt Smith's portrayal of the Eleventh Doctor as ancient yet child-like; but, in his own words, Tennant "you were my doctor".
So I figured I'd see who else felt the same.


Agreed. I've watched the series since Eccleston and no doctor has ever been as good as Tennant's 10th IMHO. The show simply hasn't been as good though there were moments in the various seasons. Though whenever they brought on new enemies from 10th Doctor, like Weeping Angels, they were never as good.

As to the 12th Doctor, I'm still very much debating if the 12th doctor is good enough to watch, so far it's been pretty mixed.

Did someone say Matt Smith a better actor than Tennant? Preposterous! He basically got his big break with Dr. Who and the only (released) work he's done since was on a horrendous Terminator movie. Obvious an actor can be only good as the writing/directing/etc but wow.
