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Interpol Music Video

Interpol Music Video ‘If You Really Love Nothing’ starring Kristen Stewart is on YouTube!!!

Fun fact: Interpol is one of Kristen's fav bands so it's so cool she got to be in one of their mvs!!


Ron and I were just talking about Kristen's undeniable chemistry with her onscreen love interests and here's the umpteenth example which proves it IMO.

BTW, wasn't that Finn Whittrock who portrayed her love interest in this music video? He too is a Hollywood actor, starring in "My All-American" as well as playing small roles in a pair of Best Picture Oscar-nominated films, "La La Land" and "The Big Short".

Thanks for posting this link Mody soon after it was uploaded to YouTube.

Wish I could stay longer to chat with you and the others, but Hurricane Lane, which remains a Category 4 hurricane, continues to have us Hawaii Islanders in its crosshairs--poised to unleash some of its fury on us.


LL, good luck with the hurricane! I think I saw on the weather that it's losing some of its strength, but don't know yet how powerful it will be when it hits. That's so uncomfortable waiting for it to hit, and then going through it. Keep us posted on it.


Thanks for your thoughts Ron. To paraphrase what you mentioned, one of the most difficult parts to deal with regarding natural disasters is the feelings of uncertainty one experiences regarding exactly when and where it will hit and the amount of damage and loss of life it could potentially cause. We've dodged several bullets so to speak over the past 26 years as several hurricanes got close to the islands but not close enough to cause substantial damage as was the case with Hurricane Iniki which struck Hawaii back in 1992 around the time Hurricane Andrew ravaged Florida as I'm sure Carved can recall. The good news is this hurricane has since been downgraded to a Category 3 hurricane like you also mentioned, although it should be stated that it can still cause substantial damage because of its sheer size in terms of excessive rain which can lead to flooding. For example, Hawaii Island, or the Big Island as we locals call it, was doused with two feet of rain just over the past day. But it's still somewhat of a relief that this hurricane has weakened substantially as Hurricane Lane was rated a Category 5 hurricane a couple of days ago. My biggest worry isn't for me or members of my immediate family in terms of personal safety as I believe we live in homes capable of withstanding a Category 3 hurricane. My biggest concern is that we have a sizable homeless population here on Oahu which numbers into the thousands, some of whom refuse to go to an emergency shelter for various reasons. I'm wondering if the authorities will eventually step in and force them to go to a shelter if the situation gets worse as some of these unsheltered persons could be among the ones who perish if things get ugly.


Yeah that's him. Also good luck with the hurricane. Stay safe.


Thank you for your concern Mody. Like I've been telling Ron, I think I'll be okay, but in order not to sound presumptuous, we're still not out of the woods just yet as Hurricane Lane appears to want to overstay its visit--moving along very slowly--just hovering around our island chain. I'm also hoping it does not radically change its course as it did just a few days ago and instead continue to track south instead of north.


You welcome! And omg, hope it all be alright.


What was once Hurricane Lane has recently been downgraded to a tropical storm, so it looks as if we will be alright. Thanks again Mody for your thoughtfulness.


26 years ago today, August 24, 1992, Category 5 Hurricane Andrew destroyed the southern half of Miami-Dade County.

Speaking from experience, I hope you are well prepared, LL. That includes having hurricane shutters on the windows of your home, plenty of bottled water for both drinking and for using when you brush your teeth, canned food, an old fashioned manual can opener, plenty of propane for the barbecue, a full tank of gas in your car and if you have a home power generator, plenty of gas for that as well. That last one (the power generator) is something none of us had 26 years ago, and it sure seemed like an eternity for Florida Power & Light to make the necessary repairs.

Good luck!


Thanks for the tips on making a survival kit Carved. Another item someone told me to add to the checklist was a transistor radio in case there's a power outage and all the phone and internet service providers are unable to provide service. To be prepared in advance is especially important when living on an island as during a hurricane, the shipping ports are closed as all the ships need to go out to sea while air cargo ceases for a period of time until the hurricane abates. Neither can an islander simply drive to another state to pick up necessities. Meaning, once the store shelves on the island are empty, which is the case as we speak in terms of reasonably priced bottled water, we pretty much have to live off of what we have in our possession.

Like I was telling Ron, Hurricane Iniki was the most devastating hurricane on record, causing over $3 billion in damage, which is quite substantial relative to our small size. And to my understanding, Hurricane Andrew was the most devastating hurricane on record for the state of Florida up until 1992.

With regard to Florida Power & Light, I recall you mentioning a couple of years ago on Kristen's former IMDb page that NextEra was planning on buying out Hawaiian Electric. Well, that was until HECO under the direction of legislators decided to reject that offer over a concern that this buyout would increase the cost of electricity in a state which already has the highest prices for electricity in the nation, nearly twice as high as the U.S. average, and would not be in line with Hawaii's plan to be 100% reliant on renewable energy by 2045 as NextEra's track record with Florida Power & Light, in terms of renewable energy, proved to be sketchy at the time. But it seems unlikely that Hawaii will reach this goal any time soon as according to recent figures we depend on petroleum more than any other state, relying on oil to provide over 67 percent of our electricity in stark contrast to the rest of the U.S. where less than 1% of electricity is generated using oil.


OMG, I can't believe I forgot to mention a transistor radio. Ditto for flashlights! And a double ditto for batteries to power them both!!!

We also had a hand held, battery powered television as well, which was quite useful. Of course, Andrew hit back in 1992 when TVs were still analog, so you could receive over-the-air broadcasts. It's almost impossible to do that now, what with the digital TV era.


Of course, Andrew hit back in 1992 when TVs were still analog, so you could receive over-the-air broadcasts. It's almost impossible to do that now, what with the digital TV era.

Have you ever tried using an old-fashioned type rabbit ear antenna? I currently use an RCA 111E ANT HDTV antenna which costs around $10--and connect it to a coaxial cable which I then connect to the coaxial input of my HDTV. After scanning for channels, I am able to catch all the basic local channels. In my case, I have to position the antenna on the southern part of my home near a window, as it does not catch most of the channels if positioned elsewhere. Not sure if it will work where you live, but you might want to give it a try if you have not already done so.

BTW, according to the most recent update, Hurricane Lane is now a Category 2 hurricane, although it's still headed towards Oahu.


Hopefully the hurricane continues to weaken. As you said above, already a lot of rain has fallen, a huge amount actually. That's likely going to cause flooding and threaten lives.

I'm in the North East, in Massachusetts, and we rarely get hurricanes making it up here. Occasionally we get one that came up offshore enough to remain at least a low Category hurricane, but usually we get rain and wind from remnants of hurricanes. Our worst storms are heavy snow storms with heavy snow and wind, but still doesn't compare to a bad hurricane.


Hurricane Lane has continued to weaken and was recently downgraded to a tropical storm, which is a huge relief as it was a Category 5 hurricane just a few days ago and it appears to be dissipating and moving south away from the Hawaiian Islands. So it appears we dodged another bullet, as even though it caused some flooding on Hawaii Island as well as power outages throughout the state, the damage was a lot less severe than expected.

If I recall correctly Ron, wasn't Hurricane Sandy the most recent hurricane to have adversely impacted Massachusetts? While Massachusetts doesn't have anywhere as many hurricanes as Hawaii or Florida, some of my family members who used to live in Boston told me that blizzards, ice storms and nor'easters do occur there from time to time, which in my mind's eye appears quite frightening as it involves cold and harsh weather that many of us Hawaiians are not used to experiencing. At least hurricanes here in Hawaii usually occur during the summer months when the temperature is always warm. And like I mentioned previously, several hurricanes pass through the Pacific Ocean, which does sound frightening, yet it's rare to have the eye of one of these hurricanes make landfall at or near full strength. I guess these islands are so tiny that the odds are usually in our favor to have most of them miss hitting us directly.


I also did see on the news that Lane was downgraded to a tropical storm. Still lots of rain and wind but fortunately much less severe than a hurricane.

Yes, we do get some nasty winter storms. The Nor'Easters can be especially tough as the winds whip around off the ocean and give us lots of snow and wind. Some of them certainly similar to a tropical storm in intensity though with snow. And yep, we get cold temps that you all in Hawaii are lucky to never have! I always enjoy summers here where I can go out in shorts and t-shirts but then the transition to winter is quite a change. All bundled up and such.


I always enjoy summers here where I can go out in shorts and t-shirts but then the transition to winter is quite a change.

Here in the islands, most locals wear t-shirts, shorts, and slippers year round. If there is a state known for residents dressing down on a regular, make that, perennial basis, it has got to be Hawaii. I mean, I've witnessed first hand on numerous occasions, residents dressed in the aforementioned attire when they go to see a movie, at their place of employment, dining in a restaurant including fancy ones, as well as attending concerts, sporting events, weddings, funerals, and church services.


Heh, by contrast we get short summers. About May through about half of September in a good year. But October is usually pretty nice, just cool weather.


Thanks for posting this. Pretty cool video, goes with Kristen's coolness and charisma. I like how she gets out of the car trunk at the start of the video. :)


You welcome, yeah thia Video was so cool and u get to see Kristen being free. It's fun


I had to post this link to a write-up on the music video because the last sentence of the third paragraph made me laugh.

She's about to begin production on two films for 2019, 'Underwater' and the highly anticipated 'Against All Enemies,' which sees Stewart team up with 'Una' director Benedict Andrews.

Begin production? BEGIN production?? Did that knucklehead really write, "begin production"???

Good grief, all he had to do was take a mere five seconds to check Kristen's IMDb page and see that both films are in post-production.
And if he used ten more seconds, he could have discovered that 'Underwater' was filmed in 2017 and 'Against All Enemies' this year.

That being said, I do take it as a positive sign that 'Underwater' was actually mentioned in that write-up, for it sure has been stuck in post-production purgatory for an awfully long time. I hope that despite the author's mistake, this means that 'Underwater' will finally get released in 2019. We already know that 'Against All Enemies' will open next year, as will 'Charlie's Angels,' which hasn't even started filming. I should also add that despite that one mistake, I did like the rest of the article because it was quite informative.

Finally, speaking of 'Charlie's Angels,' this music video seems like the perfect intro to the type of character I'd love to see Kristen play in that film -- one who kicks ass and takes no prisoners. Hmm, I wonder whether she'll also have to exit a car trunk while wearing a very short dress in the film as well. ;-)


I should also add that despite that one mistake, I did like the rest of the article because it was quite informative.

It was a very positive and flattering write-up concerning her recent projects. Strange how the writer was right on the money regarding everything else including the fact that Jeremiah Terminator Leroy will make its debut at TIFF, yet be way off the mark when it comes to the two films you mentioned. Had he taken a bit more time to do some fact checking, this article would be akin to preaching to the choir and sweet music to the ears of fans, even diehard and knowledgeable fans such as yourself Carved.

While I initially thought the way Kristen exited the car from the trunk was out of place, upon further review, I'm now thinking this symbolized the unconventional way her character goes about doing things.


Lmaoo yeah i was shocked when i saw that, it only needed a click to get right info. But rest if article was amazing i loved it. Underwater is taking its time to be ready but hopefully it be released next year.

Same about Charlie's Angels hopefully.
