MovieChat Forums > Kristen Stewart Discussion > The haters are very desperate!

The haters are very desperate!

Yes these are some Keira Knightley Fanboys and fangirls who are mad that Kristen is taking over from their girl. If these haters are just desperate. The good news is is that Karl Lagerfeld is not with this new perfume campaign. He may be a good photographer and it's great he has confidence in Kristen but good writer and good director he's not. This is just the nature of the business especially perfume advertisements. The Fading star which in this case is Knightly gets replaced by a more relevant star that being Kristen. With the haters it's the same tired boring attacks. Kristen doesn't shower. Kristen smells like cigarettes. Kristen smells like weed. Well. I still say that Kristen when she showers still uses better quality shampoo that's better quality conditioner and better quality body wash. And she smokes better-quality cigarettes and better quality weed. And if the haters refuse to buy the product because Kristen is attached to it then they are not admirers of Chanel to begin with. With fans like them who needs haters? They are fakers.


I've often come across posters on various forums who say that Kristen hasn't washed her hair in weeks, an argument that doesn't hold any water, literally, since she herself admits to using dry shampoo on a daily basis while using conventional shampoo every other day, as she claims regular shampoo damages her hair. According to Glamour magazine, she does in fact put a premium on natural haircare products such as French international luxury brand Kerastase high-end shampoo--again, in an effort to minimize damage to her hair. Additionally, Kristen has naturally beachy hair--so this coupled with her use of surf hair spray in order to attain that rock chick/grungy/punky style appearance. So those who claim she doesn't shower regularly are either uninformed of her haircare regimen or have no fashion sense or are both ignorant and fashion illiterate--or should I more accurately say, fashion alliterate because a simple google search will yield results for everything I spoke of regarding her hair hygiene and much, much more. But then again, that would be too much to expect from those who mistakenly believe it's still fashionable to love to hate on her.


People are so over the 2010 attitudes about Kristen's hair hygiene. Now in 2017, the only people who think it's still fashionable to attack Kristen are, sadly, people who support our current President. They are mad that Kristen went on SNL and called out Donald Trump on those dumbass tweets he posted about her in 2012. I don't know how else to say this but Trump attacking Kristen Stewart says a whole lot about people who despises Kristen in general. Trump swindled people with his so-called "university", is a sexual assaulter, and grotesquely desecrates the good name of one America's beloved dead presidents. Ronald Reagan believed in immigrants. He was the President that signed the 1985 amnesty. Trump talks down immigrants never mind he is married to one. Trump talks about building a wall. Reagan talked about tearing one down. Trump is a puppet for the Russians who rigged the election for him. Ronald Reagan stood up to the Russians. " Make America Great Again " was Ronald Reagan's campaign slogan in the 1980 presidential election. Trump INSULTS the memory of Reagan. That said, Congress should consider extending copyright infringement laws to presidential campaign slogans. I don't mean to get political but in 2012 Donald Trump was the one who volunteered to make himself the poster boy for the Kristen Stewart hate-train. These people are not trustworthy or have much moral terpidtude about themselves or who or what they associate with.
