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Kristen in new movie "Underwater"

This looks interesting. Along with this she has Lizzie in pre-production.

Hollywood Reporter "Stewart is set to lead an ensemble disaster movie titled Underwater, described as an aquatic Armageddon. The only plot synopsis shared so far is that a scientific crew tries to survive after a devastating earthquake, and Stewart's role is a jaded member of that crew. It sounds like it could also be compared to The Abyss. "


Unexpected role for Kristen but it could definitely work with the right people involved.


Yes Ron, at least 3 of her films will have U.S. theatrical releases in 2017, Personal Shopper, Lizzie and Underwater--and it could be 4 if the producers of JT Leroy cast Kristen and start filming it soon, fingers crossed.

I've been wanting Kristen to star in a studio superhero movie for quite some time and this may be the next best thing because although she isn't portraying a superhero, she will play the lead female hero in this big budget actioner. And they will begin filming in March, so it won't be long before we see Kristen as a kick-ass heroine in a tentpole film.


This is a bit different for Kristen's movies lately. A more mainstream, non-Indie, film and looks like a bit of action and a thriller which haven't been film types she usually does. I like it.

Another link:

"Kristen Stewart has been on a roll lately as a prestigous actress of arthouse cinema. She was the first ever American actress to win a Cesar Award (the French Oscars) for her work in Clouds of Sils Maria and has been garnering stellar reviews for performances in such films as Still Alice, Certain Women and Personal Shopper.

But she hasn't fallen completely out of the mainstream genre fare she's most known for, occasionally showing up in, say, an action thriller like American Ultra (one of her many gigs opposite Jesse Eisenberg), and now she's about to be cast in her biggest movie since 2012, the year she finished up the Twilight saga and starred in Snow White and the Huntsman.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Stewart is set to lead an ensemble disaster movie titled Underwater, described as a subaquatic Armageddon. The only plot synopsis shared so far is that a scientific crew tries to survive after a devastating earthquake, and Stewart's role is a jaded member of that crew. It sounds like it could also be compared to The Abyss.

Underwater will be written and directed by William Eubank (The Signal), and if it seems out of nowhere for the actress, the truth is that nothings a surprise with Stewart anymore. She seemed ill-fit -- too serious really -- to host Saturday Night Live, too, and then she helped give the show its best episode in a long time. She can do anything, and it's exciting to see her branch out even more."


Director William Eubank is a relative newcomer in Hollywood, primarily known for directing and co-writing the screenplay for the 2014 sci-fi thriller "Signals". This film currently has a 60% Fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, where the critics consensus has praised Eubank's ideas, vision and technical expertise. Critics however, have panned the storyline for "Signals".

So it's good to know that experienced screenwriters are involved in this project. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Brian Duffield wrote the screenplay while Adam Cozad was brought in to revise the script:

"Underwater centers on an underwater scientific crew that, after facing an earthquake, are forced to go on a dangerous journey for survival. The script, written by Brian Duffield with a revision by Adam Cozad, has been described as an underwater Armageddon."

Brian Duffield is known for writing the screenplays for "Insurgent" and "Jane Got a Gun", while Adam Cozad has written the screenplays for "The Legend of Tarzan" and Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit".

So it appears this film is in good hands as far as who's directing and writing it--and I almost forgot--who's starring in it LOL!


"So it appears this film is in good hands as far as who's directing and writing it--and I almost forgot--who's starring in it LOL! "

Yep, sounds good so far. :)


I am just a little nervous about who is going to be her co-star. It is reported that T.J Miller is talks to join the cast. Miller's Weasel was the only thing I didn't like about Deadpool. In comics lore, Weasel is a very morbid and emo character and Miller tried to make the character into some "comic relief". I don't know why, being that Reynolds as Deadpool is the comedy himself. I don't know, I just see Miller as a try hard whose "acting style" won't blend very well with Kristen's natural subtlety.


I remember Miller from a couple of shows. He does seem more like the comic relief but I don't know much about his work. Jessica Henwick seems like a solid choice but so far those two are the only cast members I see on IMDB's site.
