MovieChat Forums > Andy Summers Discussion > His 7 best albums!

His 7 best albums!

1, Mysterious Barricades (1988)
2. Charming Snakes (1990)
3. Synaesthesia (1995)
4. World Gone Strange (1991)
5. The Golden Wire (1989)
6. Earth + Sky (2004)
7. Green Chimneys (1999)


It all sounds the same ... blah and boring..
I have not heard one single good song that was worth listening to or buying from this guy. He's lucky he was in the Police.


All his albums are different and unique, and his special guests have been some of the best players in the business. Someone named "Sting" contributes a great bassline to the title track of the Charming Snakes album.

I'm not saying everything he's done is perfect and flawless, but the vast majority has been fascinatingly atmospheric and ground-breaking. I've returned to the albums above far more often than I do to the albums he recorded with the Police, who were lucky to have him!


I can't listen to the non-song songs. It's not that there is not a good context for some of his music ... I think he did soundtracks. I like more textural complex music with melodies. Most of Summer's work reminds me of the seemingly thousands of musical tracks on YouTube that are all the same all the way through. I like instrumental music that creates images in my brain, like good classical music, definite and variable structure..

Sting's stuff is songs with musicality parallel to it most of the time. But that said I am not lovin much of Sting's newer stuff, maybe one song off an album, sometimes none.
