MovieChat Forums > Jeremy Renner Discussion > Jeremy Needs To Come Out Of The Closet

Jeremy Needs To Come Out Of The Closet

I think it's time that Jeremy Renner comes out and admit he's gay. Every gossip blog has already outed him. His marriage was a fake and we all know his "longtime roommate" is his lover. I don't think being openly gay will hurt his career. He's still a great actor - he just needs to start living his life honestly.


No it is not, but anyway, that's his business!!
How come it suddenly becomes everybody's business when they are "straight"? How come there are no threads asking if an actor is straight? Is homosexual not seen on a equal par to heterosexuality by you? How come no evidence is required to find if somebody is straight? Don't you think it is a "normal" sexuality? An actor pays a price for his fame and if someone wants to ask about their sexuality, it DOES become the public's business. When the scorn and disdain for homosexuality is diminished, and ignorant dumb f<>k heterosexuals stop taking their sexuality for granted and breeding the planet into extinction, they might come to the realization and acknowledgement that they are the ones procreating homosexual humans, and that it is as natural as the rain. I won't be holding my breath though.

Don't eat the whole ones! Those are for the guests. 🍪
