A nasty bit of work.

He and his whole family should be disbanded and the royalty thrown to the wolves, what does old jug ears do for his £83 million a year.


Says the Trumpian dumbwit.


Trump??? I'm not even American ye wee fannybaws that ye ur.


After the past several years and the responses to the pandemic I came to a similar conclusion since it was the politicians throughout Her realm which had the power over the people to enforce immoral rules like lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc. But, we heard no appeal from the Queen - the head of the state and church - or Her governors, on behalf of the people who were being oppressed by their so called "representatives" who were imposing unjust and immoral diktats - nothing, nothing at all! So it proved to me who has the real power in the Commonwealth and that she's little more than a puppet! And like the saying goes, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing" so I felt that if she (or her successors) weren't going to stand in the gap and stand up for what is right and just and against what is immoral and unjust then they should be removed and replaced with real leaders with real moral courage and convictions to do just that. Unfortunately it won't happen until the people realize they have more power than the politicians! Until then things will only get worse before they ever have the chance to get better...


Hear hear!
But not just there, all over Europe.
