MovieChat Forums > Christopher Nolan Discussion > Most overrarted director ever

Most overrarted director ever

So many Nolanites dick ride the hell out of him but I'm unimpressed. I don't think he is a terrible director but his films are only good for a one time watch. His Batman trilogy has be the most overrated trilogy in film history. All it really was is a overlong CSI episode with Batman in it. The only good thing to come out of those films is Ledger's Joker. His others film just MEH. I seriously don't get the appeal of his work but oh well to each their own I suppose.

Anyone else think he is overrated??? It's okay you can admit it don't worry about the Nolanites :).


I am somewhere in between with Nolan. I have enjoyed some of his movies, while others were underwhelming. I don't know why people are so crazy about him. He is a little above average in the director dept.
