MovieChat Forums > Isabelle Mejias Discussion > The lost actress of the 1980's

The lost actress of the 1980's

Always seemed to be in that other movie or lack of distribution in marketing and gets lost in the shuffle which is a shame, I believe had major marketing and distribution had gotten into the states for just one of her films and certain politics didn't come into play she would of been huge, Isabelle had major potential and had it all to be a star, a true hidden gem of the 1980's.


Be sure to catch her in "State Park" (1988), aka "Heavy Metal Summer," if you haven't already.


For sure it's on YouTube it's a fun cheesy 80's movie it's as 80's cliché as it gets, if want to see her acting chops she really got shine on some tv series, Danger bay, T&T and Nightheat had the right movie or role had gotten to the states for her she would of been huge no doubt in my mind, Isabelle could of been a model and would of been good at that to probably, I got to chat with her a few times she's a very cool lady and one of the most inspiring people I've ever met.


As far as I know, I've only seen her in "State Park," a year ago or so, but I couldn't help notice her. Like you say, it's a cheesy 80's rock/metal flick set in a camping environment, yet it's very entertaining in its fun way.


If you like State park then give Meatballs 3 summer job a chance she's in it as well plays a 80's punk rock girl type character in it named Wendy, same kind of cheese as Statepark you might like that one it's on Youtube as well.


I noticed that when I looked her up. I'll put it on my watchlist.


I think Meatballs 3 is a little more better but she's very likeable in it.

reply a lot of publicity photos and behind the scenes photos and info on statepark might interest you.


That's a nice blog, thanks.

reply new podcast with her she talks a bit about state park thought I would send it your way.
