MovieChat Forums > Lori Loughlin Discussion > The Ivy League is a Joke

The Ivy League is a Joke

And this scandal finally demonstrates the truth about how unfair the 'elite' college system is.

Hopefully the scandal will now bring this house of cards crashing to the ground! And when Bernie is in the White House where he belongs, and socialism is finally a thing in the US, and every student will have their higher education subsidised by the state, we'll finally destroy the elite and everyone will have the exact same level of education in a truly egalitarian state!


everything is a joke. first hollywood gets outed as a rapist playground that protects its predators, and now school gets outed as a yellowbellied spineless sham that punishes the students that work their ass off in favour of monetary gain. maybe we were better off before all of this nonsense.


Even if all colleges were free, this kind of thing would still happen. As long as there is competition, as long as there are things that the haves don't want the have-nots to ever get, this will always happen.

Even if all colleges were free, most people would still be unable to go to college for the simple reason that all the available admissions in all the colleges combined would still not be enough to accommodate all the eligible students. It's expensive to run a college and there aren't enough colleges for everyone in every locality. That's why there is competition. As mentioned earlier, competition with always beget this kind of scandal.

Every year there are high-school graduates who want to go to college but can't for one reason or another.


Free college? Why would you want to give these crooks any more money? You're just upping the ante in the arms race.
