MovieChat Forums > Eva Longoria Discussion > Very mediocre body

Very mediocre body

she cheats with her clothes, but she's thick waisted,short, no busom,skinny legs/calves(watch how she stands to hide it)
If not for Housewives,she's still be on that soap. Of all women, I am surprised it was her that escalated from soaps.


People in this business are naturally going to be scutinized more than unknowns,as you already know
You don't think Eva likes her role as a star and dressing as she does? I never criticized that, nor did I never mentioned anything about how sincere she is, or her personality. Most women enjoy wearing both jeans and velvet dresses; it's not one or the other. You're analyzing what I said too deeply,and going off on a tangent due to the race-thing.

If Eva was Caucasian, I would had made the same OT about her body; not all Caucasians are prejudice, biased, and racist towards Hispanics.
So, what is your major concern regarding racism, that I said her build is representative of 'Mexican'(not Hispanic) women? Or that you assume that I associated the word "mediocre" with Mexican?
If I said that Danny Thomas' large nose is due to his ancestry,that wouldn't bother you or most people because it's true.
