MovieChat Forums > Lindsay Lohan Discussion > Emma stone took The career Lindsay could...

Emma stone took The career Lindsay could of had.

Think about it, similar age, similar look, teen film success, both can sing, both kinda pretty in a girl next door way.
Only difference is that Lindsay screwed herself bad with drugs and plastic surgery and now looks like the poor poor poor mans version of her once self.
Step in Emma, clean, healthy and more pure lifestyle is now the acclaimed actress Lindsay could have been.
It's no coincidence that once Lindsay career started to go downhill, Emma's took off.
If Lindsay never turned into the party girl, she would have had all those films that went to Emma.


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It's a shame. Lindsay is obviously a very lost woman. She is how old and looks like she's in her late 40's from all the drugs and partying and plastic surgery she never needed. It's an interesting point you brought up about Emma Stone; she did/does seem to fit the bill after Lindsay left. Wish Lindsay would find some real professional help.


She has already had all the professional help in the world that money can buy. In the end, it all comes down to YOU. If you really want to help yourself, professional help can be of great benefit. If you don't want to recover, then professional help is utterly useless.


I saw La La Land last night & thought about Lohan as Emma Stone was absolutely amazing in the role of Mia and looked in a lot of scenes like what Lindsay should have looked like if she'd taken care of herself. With this awards season coming up and with the 101 Dalmatians live action reboot on the horizon I'd say Stone's at a point now where Lohan couldn't catch up even if she got a huge role that caused a comeback. She pretty much allowed Stone to take her place though while she was partying hard around 7 or so years ago.


True ! However, Emma did not have to support her whole family or see family's stories in the media for most of her teens. Lindsay's upbringing is disturbing. Both parents are crazy and when she turned 18 and had the world at her feet (money, beauty, power) she went crazy with it as anyone would. I honestly don't think anyone will ever top again the madness of Lohan's popularity and success of those years (2004 - 2007).


"Lohan's popularity?" Are you kidding? What popularity?

Lohan was a drunk and doper from age 14.

The main difference between Lindsay and Emma Stone is that Emma can act, and poor Lindsay has no talent whatsoever.


Lohan was a good child actress. She never managed to prove herself much outside the child/teenage roles she had.

I think there are quite a few actresses in her age group that also started as child actresses who were better than her, and they successfully transitioned into adult roles, which Lohan never managed to do.

I do think Emma Stone is more talented that Lohan was at her best. I will give Lindsay that she had potential but she herself chose to squander that.

One thing that I will give her that she had a terrible support system. Her parents are nothing to write home about, that's for sure and that's definitely something that is hard for a child to handle growing up.

However, there are other actors who've had terrible parents, Drew Barrymore for example, who managed to pull themselves up, despite their problematic upbringing and make a career of it.


Drew Barrymore had powerful parents (both money wise and name wise) and comes from Hollywood royalty so it was easier for her to get her life back on track while Lohan was the only one who was an actress in her family. Drew also was not surrounded by lunatics and opportunists after rehab. Lindsay was. Her parents are insane and she's been manipulated while being underage by party girls such as Kim K and Paris Hilton. That's well known. Maybe she was trying to avoid the family chaos (she saw her father getting arrested on the set of the parent trap for goodness sake) that was going on back home. Anyway, she turned 18, and we know the rest of the story. However, I don't agree with you.
Lindsay was the biggest star in 2005-2006. Everyone knows it and it can't be denied. Unfortunately, that didn't play well as she had waaaaay too much attention. I remember the craziness surrounding her whenever she'd show up somewhere and that happened before she got into trouble. That's actually when she started to earn 7 million dollars per film and that's also when she started to lose it mentally because she was doing so many things at once.
Acting wise, she gave solid and mature performances in A prairie home companion, Georgia Rule and Bobby. The film in my opinion that sunk her career is not I know who killed me (because it's so bad that it's good) but Just my luck. It was a god awful movie that wasted her beauty and talent. It was boring, beyond predictable and horribly written.
