MovieChat Forums > Andrew Lincoln Discussion > Most convincing american accent by a Bri...

Most convincing american accent by a Brit?

Just saw love actually, I had no idea. He actually has a regional accent in Walking Dead. I think this is more impressive than Idris Elba in the Wire.


I'm a native New Yorker, so I can't judge these things as well as a native southerner, but Andrew Lincoln's accent is on point probably 95% of the time. When it's off, though, it's hilarious. I'm thinking of a scene in TWD where Rick is talking about how his cousin got stuck in a snow storm in his car, and passed the time "eating birthday cake and listening to The Lord of the Rangs on tape."

Some American southerners most definitely say "rangs" instead of ring, and "kang" instead of king, though Lincoln's pronunciation was so exaggerated on that line that it was cartoonish and hilarious.
